Confidentiality and privacy policy

Last modification: 04/21/2024.


“Personal data” means: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as “data subject”); is deemed to be an “identifiable natural person” a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more specific elements specific to their physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity;

“Processing” means: any operation or set of operations, whether or not carried out using automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, reconciliation or interconnection , limitation, erasure or destruction;

“Controller” means: the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union law or the law of a Member State, the controller may be designated or the specific criteria applicable to its designation may be provided for by the law of the processing party. Union or by the law of a Member State;

“Processor” means: the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

“VICITRA” refers to the limited liability company whose head office is located at 1050 Ixelles, rue de Washington 107 and which is registered in the Register of the Banque Carrefour des Entreprises under number BE 0701.673.749 which is responsible for processing your personal data with regard to the processing described below.

VICITRA is concerned about the protection of your personal data and undertakes to process your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy in compliance with the legal provisions applicable to the protection of personal data, including the General Regulation 2016/679 relating to data protection (hereinafter the “GDPR”) as well as the national provisions which supplement it.

VICITRA may at any time, for various reasons, make corrections, additions or modifications to this privacy policy. The most current version can always be consulted on our websites. The last modification date is always indicated before the preamble.

This privacy policy applies to the processing of your personal data carried out by VICITRA in its capacity as data controller when you visit or place an order on our site (hereinafter “the Website” ) or if you participate in one of VICITRA's discussion groups on Telegram.

Attention ! When you visit the Telegram platform or any other third party site, this privacy policy only applies to the extent that VICITRA determines the processing of your personal data.

The privacy policies of our service providers are available online on their respective websites. Here you will find external links which will redirect you to their dedicated platforms:

The following categories of personal data may be processed by VICITRA when you visit our Website (via cookies) or when you engage in the ordering process on our Website and where applicable if you participate in our group Telegram chat or subscribe to our newsletter:

• Your IP address and browsing behaviors may be collected by cookies placed on our Website.
• Your identification data: name, first name, private address, email address, telephone number.
• Banking data and data relating to orders: account number, billing address delivery address, means of payment when you place an order, order history.
• Your communications addressed to VICITRA;
• Your publications in our discussion group on Telegram;
• In certain cases, your photos and videos (for example: with your authorization to illustrate written testimonies, as part of interviews or if photos and videos are taken during a face-to-face training course);

VICITRA processes your personal data to meet the following purposes:
• In order to be able to carry out the services you have ordered via our Website;
• In order to be able to respond to your request for membership in our Affiliation program and then in order to be able to fulfill and execute the conditions thereof towards our Affiliates;
• In order to be able to answer your questions relating to our activities or our services;
• In order to guarantee the proper functioning of our Website;
• To promote our activities;
• In order to be able to offer you targeted content that better meets your expectations;
• In order to meet our legal obligations, particularly in matters of accounting or taxes;
• In order to be able to defend ourselves in court if our liability were to be incurred;

Depending on the purpose pursued for each processing, we process your data based on the following legal bases:
• Based on our contractual or pre-contractual obligations towards you;
• Based on our legitimate interest;
• In order to comply with our legal obligations. (The same goes for our accounting or tax obligations.)
• Based on your prior, free, specific and explicit consent. (For example for our newsletter or for sending free videos);
• Based on the applicable provisions of the “E-privacy” directive (directive 2002/58/EC) transposed into national law combined with one of the aforementioned legality bases of the GDPR (example: placement of non-functional cookies with your consent or sending of information relating to services similar to those you ordered if you do not object).

VICITRA may have to transmit the personal data collected to the authorities or entities established by law, decree or any regulatory provision that is applicable.

VICITRA may also share certain data with its co-contractors, qualified as "subcontractors" within the meaning of the legislation, to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of computerized or non-computerized applications or management systems to which VICITRA has subscribed in particular in order to be able to provide you with offer a high-performance Site and online services.

The list of subcontractors, their field of activity, the purpose pursued and, where applicable, the country in which the data is processed and hosted are available on request.

Transfers of personal data to a country which is not part of the Union will only be authorized by VICITRA if and only if:
– The European Commission has issued an adequacy decision granting an adequate level of protection equivalent to that provided for by European legislation. Personal data will then be transferred on this basis.
– The transfer is covered by an adequate measure granting a level of protection equivalent to that provided for by European legislation, such as binding company rules, standard Commission clauses, a code of conduct allowing transfers previously accepted by the subcontractors concerned or on the basis of an exemption provided for in Article 49 of the GDPR or another appropriate measure set out in Article 46 of the GDPR.
If VICITRA relies on one of the above-mentioned adequate measures, VICITRA will also have previously carried out a risk analysis of the envisaged transfer and will, if necessary, have taken additional measures to limit any risk that the authorities of the importing country could compromise the safety and security. confidentiality of this data under applicable law.

The personal data that VICITRA must process in the context of placing an order are kept by VICITRA for the period necessary for the execution of the order and then the necessary data will still be kept by VICITRA for a maximum period of 10 years after the end of this order in order to allow us to meet our legal obligations (for example: accounting and tax) and possibly defend ourselves in court if our liability were to be incurred.

The data of prospects (persons who have expressed an interest in our activities or who have engaged in an ordering process without having placed an order) are kept for a period of 1 year after their last contact.

Whether you are a customer or a prospect, your email address may be processed by VICITRA for a longer period (within the limits of what is reasonable) for sending emails concerning similar services or as part of our newsletter as well. that you have not expressed your opposition to the processing or withdrawn your consent (via the unsubscribe link provided in each mailing).

The photos and videos for which you have granted authorization for use to VICITRA are kept as long as you do not revoke this authorization and in any case for a reasonable period.

VICITRA has adopted security measures adapted on a technical and organizational level, in order to avoid the destruction, loss, falsification, modification, unauthorized access or accidental notification to third parties of your personal data ( as well as any other unauthorized processing). The list of these measures is available on request.

Unless a legal provision in force in Belgium does not allow it, including the GDPR, you have the following rights:
Access, rectification and erasure of your data: You have the right (at reasonable intervals) to request from VICITRA access to your data processed by it, the rectification of incorrect or incomplete data or subject to a legitimate reason (provided for in article 17.1 of the GDPR) the erasure of your data.

Limitation of the processing of your data: In certain cases (provided for in article 18.1 of the GDPR) you have the right to request the limitation of processing, in particular if you contest the accuracy of the data, if the processing is illegitimate yes if you object to the erasure of data.

Opposition to the processing of your data: if your data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests, you can inform us of your opposition to this processing by providing specific reasons (article 21 of the GDPR). If the purpose of the processing is marketing or prospecting, in this case you can object at any time without particular justification).

Withdrawal of your consent: for personal data processed on the basis of your consent, you can inform VICITRA at any time that you wish to withdraw your consent. VICITRA will then take the necessary measures within a reasonable time to delete this data.

Data portability and transfer: If your data is processed by VICITRA as part of the execution of its contractual obligations or on the basis of your consent (article 20 GDPR), you have the right to obtain the data that concerns you (or depending on the legal basis of the processing, ask VICITRA to transmit them to another data controller) in a structured, usual and computer-usable form.

Exercise of your rights: You can exercise your rights or send us any request related to the processing of your personal data by contacting us either by email at or by post addressed to VICITRA SRL , Rue de Washington, 107, 1050 Ixelles.

It is important that you also communicate to us in your request your identity and, if applicable, your customer number.
If VICITRA is in doubt about your identity, it reserves the right to ask you for a front copy of your identity card which will be processed by VICITRA for identification purposes only and destroyed/deleted immediately thereafter.

VICITRA will inform you of the outcome of your request within one month after receipt of the request (if the request requires more time to be able to respond, VICITRA will let you know within one month and will make use of the additional period of two months provided for this purpose by the GDPR.)

VICITRA may in certain cases place “cookies” on your server via its website: (hereinafter “the Website”) when you visit it or when you place an order. A cookie is a code in the form of a file stored on your computer. During a subsequent visit to the site, these cookies can then be recognized.

VICITRA's cookie policy containing all the cookies present on our site is available in its entirety via the following link:

Regarding the use of cookies which are not essential for the proper functioning of the Site (non-functional cookies) and which would be placed by VICITRA, we always obtain your specific, explicit, free and prior consent via our “cookie banner” which appears during each visit before implementing them.

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Please note that through your Internet browser you can also delete/block cookies automatically or manually and you can decide whether or not certain types of cookies can be placed on your server. You can also configure your Internet browser to notify you when a cookie is placed.

If you believe that your rights have been violated you can always send a Complaint to the Data Protection Authority:
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Tel.: +32 (0)2 274 48 00
Fax: +32 (0)2 274 48 35
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A complaint before the data protection authority is without prejudice to the institution (if applicable) of proceedings before a court in the manner provided by law.

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Eric Laudière

Éric Laudière is a practitioner and trainer in the field of psychogenealogy and family constellations.

A former student of Alexandro Jodorowsky, his journey is punctuated by a tireless quest for knowledge and a deep desire to explore the subtle dimensions of healing.

With training in physiotherapy, he trained in psychogenealogy under the tutelage of Alexandro Jodorowsky in the 1990s. 

He enriched his work on family constellations with a bodily and energetic approach thanks to his work with several healers in Asia and South America.

He practices psychogenealogy and systemic constellations in the south of France. For many years, he has explored different types of constellations through his courses and workshops, creating new forms such as constellations in the dark or even multi-constellations. 

 Éric Laudière represents a pioneer in this field. It offers a unique reading of the family constellation and psychogenealogy.

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Julia Tourneur

Julia was introduced to Yoga during her training as a psychomotor therapist. From the first sessions, she feels the profound benefits of this practice. Since a weekly session in a group class, yoga has gradually become a part of her life.

In 2014, his teacher suggested that he guide sessions and then follow teaching training with Jean-Luc Acket for 4 years. The meeting with Marc, during the end of training exam week, was evidence of the need for her to continue studying the lessons alongside him.

In 2022 she registered for the online Autonomy program then participated in the Transmission face-to-face week, which allowed her to deepen her knowledge and feel freer in her teaching of Yoga to people of various ages and backgrounds. .

For Vicitra, Julia guides online courses.

Pascal Ananian

As a visceral and digestive surgeon, Pascal is accustomed to caring for others, but when he reached his forties, he faced his own health challenges.

Pascal experienced medical wandering for several months, until he met a physiotherapist, André Goguet, who followed the Mézières method. He made him do stretching, core training and deep breathing.

Then he discovered yoga and Vicitra Yoga therapy which are in the same line as this method. In 2-3 weeks of effort, he was able to return to work, get back to sleep and even start surfing again.

He then practiced yoga therapy as Marc suggests. He maintains his daily session to strengthen his back. These lower back pains are behind him.

For Vicitra, Pascal intervenes in the Yoga Therapy program as an expert in the management of inguinal hernia.

Geraldine Rincheval

Géraldine Rincheval discovered Yoga 16 years ago, during her first pregnancy. This decisive moment marked the beginning of a deep relationship with Yoga, a discipline that has accompanied her throughout her life. 

The practice of Yoga opened the way to a more peaceful, light, simple and harmonious life for Géraldine, even transforming her professional orientation. Driven by the conviction that Yoga is a path to holistic well-being, she chose to become a Yoga teacher. Her training led her to explore the teaching of Marc Beuvain, which she integrated both into her own practice and into her guidance.

Géraldine has broadened her field of expertise by specializing in particular in Ayruvedic massages as well as Sound Massage, using therapeutic Tibetan bowls and other vibratory instruments to promote deep relaxation of the body and mind.

Géraldine Rincheval embodies a wellness enthusiast, who shares her knowledge and experience to help others find harmony, balance and relaxation in their own lives.

For Vicitra, Géraldine offers massages in courses and retreats.

Charbel Jarjoura

Osteopath and Trainer. Charbel helps therapists make their activities profitable, financially, on the effectiveness of their treatments and on their personal development. 

He practiced and trained in different care and personal development practices. To name a few: Yoga, Stretching, Reiki, Auriculotherapy, Hygienism or Bioresonance.

Over the last 10 years, he has bought an Auriculotherapy practice, created his Health Center and opened a restaurant dedicated to health.

He organized courses and training, therapeutic fasting retreats, and was also a radio columnist for 2 years.

He shares his experiences and helps to sort out the truth from the falsehood, what works, what is profitable and what is effective for patients.

For Vicitra, Charbel acts as an expert in the Yoga Therapy program and offers solutions for managing back pain.

Philippe Pire

Philippe Pire has been a physiotherapist and osteopath based in Brussels for 38 years.

In 1985, he began his career as a physiotherapist, marking the start of a journey dedicated to physical well-being. His quest for excellence led him to train in sports physiotherapy and taping in 1987, thus strengthening his expertise in the management of injuries linked to physical activity. In 1995, Philippe took a significant step in his career by becoming an osteopath and in 2005, he integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine into his arsenal of knowledge and skills.

His determination to relieve pain and restore mobility was the driving force behind his career. Over the years, he has acquired invaluable expertise in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.

As lead consultant of the Yoga Therapy program at Vicitra, he has contributed significantly to the integration of holistic methods into physical rehabilitation. His commitment to promoting the overall well-being of his patients is evident in his willingness to explore new avenues to help them achieve optimal health.

Sabine Hérondelle

After a diploma in History and the Art Market, and nearly 15 years as a sales manager in the tertiary sector, Sabine completed a CAP in cooking and worked in several restaurants, including 1 Michelin star.

The pleasure of improvising, of meeting various audiences, of working for artists, Yoga and Tai Chi teachers, in different geographical locations, for projects and specific requests, gave her the desire to become a “nomadic” cook. ".

She then works alone, an intuitive cuisine which leads her to specialize in vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, raw creations… She attaches great importance to the aesthetics of her preparations and the energy information they contain. This led him to practice reiki and open up the possibilities of food, thinking about it in its entirety.

For Vicitra, Sabine is involved in almost all of the internships and training courses.

André Goguet

André, a Mezierist physiotherapist, has long had a spiritual quest to enlighten his path.

Convinced that postural alignment and muscular balance are essential to physical and mental health, he explores dance, qigong and yoga.

His meeting with Marc was revealing: he discovered that the union of breathing and movement in consciousness opened infinite horizons, allowing him to “dance in yoga” with his breath.

This practice strengthens one's daily state of being, cultivating centering, serenity and bodily freedom, thus leading to a true freedom of being.

Guided by the desire to share, André happily leads group classes at his home in Vendée and actively intervenes as an expert in the Yoga Therapy program.

Valérie Perrève

Valérie encountered yoga in 2007 and without her teachers clearly suggesting it, she was immediately sensitive to the practice of breathing and in particular Ujjuyi. Also, when she discovered the teachings of Marc Beuvain in 2015, she was deeply touched by his pedagogy and his approach. She was thus able to clearly understand that breathing was a key to the practice.

She trained with Marc in yoga therapy and teaching pedagogy. She followed the study of the Yoga Sutra-s and the Yoganjalisaram,.
Being also a masseuse and concerned about health through a lifestyle promoting detox on all levels (living food, fasting, massage, silent walks in nature), she feels sensitive to all the dimensions of Yoga.
Very close to nature (hiking, walking in the mountains), she continues to put the tools of Yoga into practice every day and continues her quest towards greater freedom and a return to oneself through, in particular, the teachings of Vicitra .

For Vicitra, Valérie offers online Yoga classes. 

Thierry Chappé

I am a father of two little girls. I am 47 years old living in Brussels and working in the digital field.

Initially practicing martial arts, I discovered yoga during a vacation in Bali in 2010.

Fascinated by the Ashtanga of Pattabhi Jois for its demanding physical side and its discipline, I deepened my knowledge through various courses, workshops and books. This practice has become my passion.

In 2017, during an internship, I met Marc, whose transmission and depth of knowledge transformed me.

Guided by Vicitra, I developed a deep understanding of yoga and was inspired to teach this discipline.

For me, teaching is a source of pleasure and personal development.

My favorite quote is from Georges Sand: “The mind seeks and it is the heart that finds.”

For Vicitra, Thierry teaches online Yoga classes. 

Julie Leclercq

A pharmacist by training, Julie is interested in health and well-being in general.

5 years ago she discovered yoga, which she immediately liked and followed training with Marc Beuvain to deepen her knowledge.

Vicitra's teaching brings him a lot in terms of personal development and the return to the essence of yoga.

For Vicitra, Julie monitors the participants' practices during the immersion courses.

Valérie Felix

A former high-level athlete, Valérie encountered yoga in 1999 when she was looking for a physical activity devoid of competition and judgment while being passionate about subjects around personal development.

Her first Yoga sessions awakened in her a much broader dimension of human potential, from psychology to spirituality and possible transformations through presence and anchoring.

Passionate and diligent, she trained in teaching Yoga from 2002 to 2006 and from 2004, in addition to her freelance professional activity, she taught Yoga 2 classes per week. In 2008, she met Marc during an internship and was deeply touched by his reading and his approach to the different tools of yoga, whether in the presentation of the posture or the references to yogic texts, integrating current events. A second seed of consciousness is then laid. It was in 2020, following confinements and studio closures, that she reconnected with Marc's teachings, thanks to her remote transmission. She then decided to train with Marc by participating in the "Yoga therapy", "creativity and educational independence" training and to follow very regularly all the conferences and studies that he offers online including those of the Yoga Sutra-s or even the Yoganjalisaram.

Julie Millet

Julie has always been interested in health. She obtained a doctorate in Biology in 2011 and was interested in various human pathologies such as Tuberculosis and Malaria.

After 10 years of experience in the field of Research, she understands the importance of holistic and personalized health. In 2015, she dedicated herself, with Marc Beuvain, to the opening of the first Vicitra center in Guadeloupe. She manages it and offers several Yoga classes and workshops. She was then strongly touched by the impact and enthusiasm generated by the lessons taught at Vicitra.

His desire to make these teachings, this method and this holistic approach to health accessible to as many people as possible led him to devote himself fully, between September 2018 and September 2021, to the development of the Vicitra centers in Brussels and Guadeloupe. Since then, Julie has been the co-manager of Vicitra.

Geraldine Rincheval

Géraldine discovered yoga 16 years ago when she was pregnant with her first daughter. This encounter with yoga helped her experience a natural, easy and wonderful birth as she wanted.

Since that moment, Yoga has always continued to accompany her and has never really left her. Beyond well-being, the practice of Yoga was a real support for him in facing the difficulties of life and in overcoming the stress and fatigue of hard but very interesting work in the hotel and catering industry during almost 20 years. 

It was through Yoga that Géraldine began to enjoy a more peaceful, lighter, simpler and more harmonious life, even changing her professional direction to become a Yoga teacher. Her training led her to discover the teaching of Marc Beuvain, which she has, over time, made her own.

Yoga being part of Ayurveda, Indian medicine, she was also interested in other Ayurvedic practices, in particular massages.

For Vicitra, Géraldine offers online Yoga classes.

Frédérique Bengeloun

Frédérique has always been interested in health, wellness and natural therapies.
After a doctorate in pharmacy, Frédérique worked for several years in research on tropical pathologies, in health anthropology and then in psychiatric settings where she set up therapeutic alliance workshops.
She was lucky during these years to meet beautiful people who made her journey internally towards a gradual return to her true nature, a return which still continues today at every moment. Marc Beuvain is one of these people, who he met in 2005 in Marseille, sowed a seed in his conscience. In 2019, after more than 15 years working in the health system, Frédérique decided to leave the health system to devote herself full time to holistic health. She then trained in aromatherapy and naturopathy and found Marc and his teachings which had not left her mind since 2005.
She now supports Women and Mothers on this path to holistic health around well-being and a return to oneself. It is this awakening and this awareness that Frédérique now wishes to transmit to each Being, combining her knowledge, skills and experiences.
For Vicitra, Frédérique offers online Yoga classes.

Celine Brisard

Céline has been practicing yoga since 2008. She underwent initial teaching training between 2015 and 2019, began teaching and, at the same time, crossed paths with Marc Beuvain during a conference in Paris. Marc's vision of yoga challenges her, provokes her and touches her deeply. The first seeds are sown…

Marc's vision of yoga challenges her, provokes her and touches her deeply. The first seeds are sown…

From 2020, thanks to the pandemic, she can finally taste the practices guided by the Vicitra team. She is also fully committed to online teaching (Yoga Sutra, Yoganjalisaram, Autonomy, etc.) and face-to-face (Creativity and educational independence, Transmission, etc.).

She now guides sessions in the South-West of France and behind the screen of Vicitra's Cohérence program.

Marc Beuvain

Marc Beuvain has been teaching Yoga for 26 years in France, but also in London, Milan, and Brussels in particular.

At 17, he discovered yoga and went to train in Chennai, India. For more than a year, he will benefit from one of the richest educational contents available from TKV Desikachar, son of Sri T. Krishnamacharya, considered the father of modern Yoga. Having become a teacher, he participated in three world tours alongside the biggest names in Yoga. In 2007, however, he chose to become independent and express his own vision of yoga in the West.

Marc's quest is then to transmit to as many people as possible – Marc teaches in centers for the mentally handicapped, retirement homes, schools, hospitals, orphanages, businesses, etc. – the tools that make one independent with physical health. and mental. His know-how and the resulting awareness allow him to develop an approach that is both anchored in an intimate understanding of Indian tradition and imbued with very current personal experience.

He thus develops a Yoga that lives up to its purpose: to promote freedom of conscience and the profound individual and collective transformations that result from it. In 2015, he co-created his first center in Guadeloupe, called Vicitra (“Precious”, in Sanskrit). In 2018, the Vicitra Brussels center was created and in March 2020, during the first confinement linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, Vicitra online is launched.

THE Yoga Sutra - Chapter 1 - Session 1

THE Yoga Sutra - Chapter 1 - Session 1

SESSION 1 | Defining Yoga in its essence
Session devoted to aphorisms 1 to 6 of the 1st chapter.

The great particularity of the first 4 sutras is to define Yoga in its essence.

The study and understanding of these 4 sutras have always been seen as an essential step in the integration of the work as a whole.

You will discover:

  • The historical context of the origin of Yoga
  • The prerequisites for experiencing personal transformation through Yoga
  • The main reason for yoga
  • The profound and irreversible consequences of Yoga on human beings
  • The consequences of a lack of mental control
  • The different modes of functioning of the mind
  • The great paradox of the mind in humans
Diapositive précédente
Diapositive suivante
SESSION 1 | 3 steps to get out of emotional conflicts
Session devoted to aphorisms 1 to 3 of the 2nd chapter. .

These first 3 aphorisms highlight:

  • The yoga of action
  • The prerequisites for experiencing personal transformation through Yoga
  • Its consequences on the mental level
  • The main causes of our identity and emotional conflicts
Diapositive précédente
Diapositive suivante

Gift Bonuses

Catalog of 46 postures traditional

This book allows you to access the age-old reference in the field of posture and to know the starting point from which it will be possible to intensify or simplify on the physical, respiratory and mental levels.
This book offers real autonomy to practitioners.
This avoids getting lost in the ambient confusion specific to Western Yoga through invented or transformed postures.

THE Themes Of Course Online


Learning the subtleties of the practice of Yoga on a physical, respiratory and mental level in order to benefit from a real Yogic experience during online classes

Yoga Back

Designed for fragile backs, the sequences promote a state of centering while ensuring flexibility and realignment of the spine.

Yoga Serenity

Relaxing postures and gentle stretching through which progressive control of the breath gives access to letting go and returning to oneself.

Integral Yoga

Flexibility and muscular tone while developing the state of centering.


Extensive breathing efforts to strengthen mental presence and soothe emotions.

Reading list

3 Vidéos

Reading list

3 Vidéos