Terms General Sale

Last modification: 04/21/2024

Article 1. Description of the Services and scope of application

1. These general conditions of sale apply to all orders for Services (as defined in article 1.2) placed between a Buyer (any natural or legal person who places an order) and VICITRA, the limited liability company whose the head office is located at Rue Washington, 107, 1050 Ixelles, known to the Carrefour des Entreprises bank under number 0701.673.749. (Hereinafter “VICITRA”) or via the VICITRA website available via the url: vicitra.us

  1. The acquisition of a Service (placing an order) on the Site or on the dedicated VICITRA space by a Buyer implies its acceptance without these general conditions of sale.
  2. “Services” means all Services offered by VICITRA for sale via its Site.

A/ The Services offered by VICITRA include the following categories:

  • Training and lessons related to Yoga provided in the form of pre-recorded or live content with access to replays;
  • Live classes (live online classes);
  • Where applicable, the provision of additional support for teaching, training or courses (books, manuals, translations of texts) available in digital format or sent in physical form (book);
  • Individual Yoga Therapy consultations online or in person as well as individual sessions to support the practice of Yoga Therapy sessions;
  • The possibility of reserving places for face-to-face training courses (in Belgium or abroad).

B/ Special remarks regarding the Services:

  • The special conditions for each of the Services are specified on the description sheet for each Service available on the Site and are applicable to orders in addition to these general conditions of sale, subject to what is indicated in article 1.5.
  • Orders for Services may, depending on their specific conditions, be paid for by the Buyer in one go or by recurring payments (in particular with regard to Services offered in the form of subscriptions. See article 3.4 on this subject)
  • Access to videos (pre-recorded content or replays of “lives”) for certain Services may, depending on the specific conditions of the Service concerned, be limited or unlimited in time.
  • Some offers also include access to VICITRA's private chat group on the Telegram platform.

4. These general conditions of sale prevail over any other general or specific conditions of the Buyer not expressly approved by VICITRA.

5. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of VICITRA's general conditions of sale and the particular provisions of a specific Service offered by VICITRA on its Site, the provisions of the special conditions will prevail over the provisions of these VICITRA general conditions of sale to with the exception of articles 1,4,7,8 and 10 to 15 of the VICITRA general conditions of sale which always prevail over the specific provisions of a Service.

6. VICITRA reserves the right to modify these general conditions of sale at any time. The applicable version of the general conditions of sale is that in force at the time the order is finalized by the Buyer according to the order process described in article 3. It is always indicated above the table of contents the last date of modification and reference of the General Conditions of Sale.
7. If one or more of the clauses of VICITRA's general conditions of sale should be declared null or invalid, this nullity will not affect the rest of the clauses which will remain applicable.

In this case, the parties (VICITRA and the Buyer(s) concerned) undertake to consult as soon as possible in order to replace the clause(s) deemed void or invalid(s) by one or valid clause(s) having the same purpose and an equivalent economic scope.

Article 2: Offers.

1. VICITRA's offers (which appear on the VICITRA Site) are always accompanied by a complete and detailed description of the contents of the Services offered. This description allows the Buyer to have a faithful and complete description of the Services offered before committing. The photos available on the Site are excluded from the contractual scope.
In the event of a manifest error in the description VICITRA is not obliged to deliver the Service concerned. (The error is human).
2. If an offer is temporary or subject to special conditions, this is always clearly stated in the respective offer.

Article 3: Description of the order process.

1. In order to place an order (on the VICITRA Site), the Buyer (natural person) must be at least 18 years old. If this is not the case, he or she must obtain the prior consent of his or her parents, guardian or legal representative in order to place an order. If VICITRA notes that the order was made by a minor, VICITRA reserves the right to refuse this order.

2. The Buyer (natural or legal person) is always responsible for the accuracy of the information he provides to VICITRA via the Site.

Order process on the VICITRA Website:

  • To purchase a Service via the Site, the Buyer must go to the page with the specific conditions describing the desired Service or in their personal space “My Account” and click on the button (often at the bottom of the page) which allows them to go to the order page for the Service in question.
  • The Buyer then fills in information relating to their identity and billing details.
  • On this page, the Buyer who wishes to finalize his order must then accept the application of these general conditions of sale as well as the conditions of use of VICITRA by checking the boxes provided for this purpose and finally activate the button with the mention “ order with obligation to pay. (Or a similar mention)
  • This last step (activation of the order button) makes the order final for the Buyer.

* As an exception to what is provided above, when purchasing a monthly subscription to the online Yoga course program, to Autonomy training and to Yoga Therapy training, when Buyers finalize their order, they are entitled to a free period. Monthly automatic withdrawals do not begin at the end of the free period.

** When it is a contract of indefinite duration or tacit renewal this is indicated on the order page as well as the conditions of termination.
3. The order becomes final for VICITRA upon receipt of a valid payment from the Buyer who confirmed his order.
4. Where VICITRA has received valid transaction (payment) approval for an order or as an exception to this principle, valid order approval with respect to online courses or the first trial week is free of charge, VICITRA sends the Buyer an e-mail (via the address provided by the Buyer on the order page) with confirmation of payment and a summary of the order.
5. If this is a new customer, VICITRA then sends the Buyer confirmation of the creation of their customer account on the Site (allowing them to manage orders).
• If applicable (if applicable in the specific conditions of the Service), VICITRA also sends a final email containing information allowing the Buyer to join the online program they have just purchased as well as the link allowing them to join a VICITRA discussion group on TELEGRAM.

Article 4: Prices and accepted means of payment.

1. All prices indicated on the Site are prices in euros including VAT.
2. During the period of validity mentioned in the offer, the prices of the Services offered on the Site are not increased, except for price changes resulting from changes in the applicable VAT rates.
3. VICITRA accepts the following payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB as well as several of the payment methods present on the site offered by its payment service provider, namely STRIPE.

4. Transaction data is encrypted with SSL technology.

Article 5: Right of withdrawal (only applicable to consumers).

1. When a Consumer places an order on the Site, from VICITRA the rules of the Belgian Economic Code regarding the right of withdrawal apply, namely, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days following its conclusion without giving reasons.

2. If a Consumer withdraws from an order, he or she will be reimbursed by VICITRA only by online transfer to the account indicated in his or her order without delay and, in any event, no later than 14 days after VICITRA has been informed of its decision to withdraw from all payments made at that time.

For contracts also concerning goods (e.g. books on physical media), the reimbursement will be made within 14 days after receipt of the undamaged good by VICITRA.

The refund includes all the Buyer's costs for the order concerned including delivery costs unless the consumer has chosen a more expensive delivery method than the standard delivery method (the cheapest) then the excess will not be refunded by VICITRA.

Any costs relating to the return of goods to VICITRA by the Buyer and the costs owed to VICITRA for the Service provided until the moment the consumer has exercised his right of withdrawal (after having requested that the service contract begin but before the end of the withdrawal period) are borne by the consumer who exercises his right of withdrawal.

3. For contracts for the supply of digital content not supplied on a material medium, if execution has started, VICITRA pays an amount which is proportional to what was supplied up to the moment it was informed of the exercise the right of withdrawal in relation to all the services provided for in the contract. (Article VI.53 paragraph 3 of the Code of Economic Law.)

4. To exercise his right of withdrawal, the Buyer must inform VICITRA (by ordinary mail: Vicitra srl – rue Washington 107 – 1050 Ixelles, or by e-mail contact@vicitra.yoga) of his decision to withdraw from the contract at by means of an unequivocal declaration. The consumer can use the model withdrawal form below (use of this form is not obligatory):

“To: Vicitra srl – Rue Washington 107 – 1050 Ixelles, e-mail: contact@vicitra.yoga
I/we (*) hereby inform you/you of my/our desire (*) to terminate the Sales Agreement for the following Services:
– Ordered/received on
- Name
- Address
– Signature (only if the form is sent on paper)
– Account on which to make the reimbursement:
(*) = delete unnecessary information »

Article 6: Quality of Services provided or content provided.

1. VICITRA is bound by an obligation of means towards the Buyer for the execution of any order placed by him on the VICITRA Site.

2. VICITRA undertakes to do everything possible according to the rules of the art and in good faith to carry out the order in accordance with the Buyer's expectations, taking into account the specifications of the Service, the digital content or possibly goods accompanying a service ordered on the Site.

3. VICITRA is never required to implement means of a disproportionate nature with regard to the objective to be achieved.

4. The Buyer understands and accepts that if a defect or difference between the description of the Service, the digital content or possibly the good accompanying a service ordered on the VICITRA Site is minor, he or she cannot demand reimbursement for this Service.

Article 7: Legal guarantee (only applicable to consumers).

1. (Attention: Applicable only to consumers with regard to the sale of consumer goods as well as for Digital Content and Services)
Consumers benefit from the two-year legal guarantee period which applies in the event of non-conformity of Services or digital content or material goods. Once a defect has been noted, the Consumer must report it to VICITRA within two months of the discovery.
This means that in the event of defects in conformity discovered by a Consumer up to 2 years following their supply or delivery and reported to VICITRA within a reasonable time from the moment the lack of conformity is noted, the latter has the simplified possibility of requesting compliance of the service or good or a replacement and if this is not possible a proportional reduction in the price and in certain cases the termination of the contract (only if the defect is not minor – see also point 7.4). The Consumer can contact VICITRA preferably by email at the address: contact@vicitra.yoga

2. If the defect is noted within the first 24 months, the defect is presumed to have existed since delivery. The seller must prove otherwise if he disagrees. If the observation is made more than 12 months after delivery, the consumer is required to prove the existence of the non-conformity at the time of delivery.

Article 8: Limitation of liability.

1. VICITRA is only liable for direct damage caused to a Buyer due to serious or intentional misconduct on its part in the performance of its obligations. VICITRA is never responsible for any consequential or professional damages, or any indirect damages, in particular cases of loss of profits.

2. The Buyer acknowledges sole responsibility for all consequences and all risks which could be linked, either directly or indirectly, to the material conditions of the place where he practices or to the execution of the remote yoga exercise. . (VICITRA cannot physically verify the practice and environment of the Buyer who practices remotely).

3. The Buyer generally acknowledges being aware that the physical activities offered by VICITRA through teaching, training, content or online courses (live or pre-recorded) or during face-to-face courses require to pay particular attention to their limits and their health conditions. The Buyer must practice with kindness, never force, respecting his limits in order to avoid any risk of injury, accident or discomfort.

4. The Buyer understands that VICITRA does not guarantee any medical or sporting results. The results obtained vary from person to person and vary depending on each person's physical differences and the frequency of practice.

5. In the event of damage (even indirect, including loss of profit) during the practice of Yoga, particularly in the context specified in points 8.2 to 8.4 (except in the event of serious or intentional misconduct on the part of VICITRA), the Buyer undertakes to ensure that neither he/she, nor his/her relatives, nor, where applicable, his/her legal representative accuses and/or claims any damages from VICITRA, its collaborators or its beneficiaries and holds VICITRA out of harm's way. cause in such proceedings or claims.

Article 9: Case of force majeure.

1. The Buyer acknowledges that VICITRA is exempt from all liability and cannot be required to pay him any damages (including indirect or in connection with a loss of profit) in the event of an unfulfilled obligation, in whole or in part, or delayed following a case of force majeure (e.g. unfavorable weather conditions, accident or material impossibility for a teacher to provide training, including following an illness or death), measures taken by a competent authority (e.g. : obligations in the event of a Pandemic) as well as any other facts of third parties or over which VICITRA has no control (for example connection problems linked to the Services of a network provider).
2. If VICITRA is presumed to be in one of the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, the Buyer acknowledges that VICITRA's obligations are suspended at least for the duration of the generating event and that VICITRA will not have to establish unforeseeability, nor the irresistibility of the event, nor the impossibility of performance of the contract.
3. If VICITRA is presumed to be in one of the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, VICITRA will offer to the Buyers concerned, to the extent possible and what is reasonable taking into account the nature of the service and the uses of its sector, a replacement service at a later date or will proceed (at its own discretion, according to its assessment of the situation and without prior notice) to the termination of the orders concerned. This possible termination will take effect from the moment the exemption case began. In this case, the Buyers concerned will not be able to claim any reimbursement for services not performed by VICITRA from that moment on.

Article 10: Duration of the Services and possibility of termination by a Buyer.

1. The duration of the Services is indicated on the Service description pages and shown on the Order pages. A fixed-term contract can only last 2 years (maximum).
2. The ordered content can be viewed by the Buyer only for the duration mentioned on the specific order page for the service at the time it was ordered.
3. The viewing of replays may be extended by VICITRA for each specific product to a longer duration, subject however to the modifications that VICITRA may make to them as provided for in article 5.3 of its general conditions of use.
4. The Buyer may, if it is a subscription of indefinite duration, terminate the contract for the entire duration of the contract via his User account on the VICITRA Site. Termination takes immediate effect if the request is made by a Buyer during the trial week. In all other cases, termination takes effect on the anniversary date of the renewal of the Buyer's subscription.

Article 11: Causes that may lead to the termination of an order by VICITRA.

VICITRA reserves the right to immediately terminate (without prior warning or formal notice) an order placed by a Buyer as well as to immediately terminate or suspend access to the Site and, where applicable, to the VICITRA discussion group on Telegram (for a temporary or permanent duration) if the Buyer finds himself in one of the cases listed below:

has. Generally speaking, when a Buyer does not respect its obligations towards VICITRA under the law or commits a serious violation of its contractual commitments towards VICITRA which are included in these general conditions of sale or in VICITRA's conditions of use that he or she explicitly accepted when finalizing his or her order;

b. As part of a subscription or other Services where payment is made in several installments, if it turns out that the payment request made by the payment service provider or VICITRA's bank has been refused and that the Buyer does not make payment within 7 calendar days after being contacted by VICITRA;

vs. If VICITRA discovers that the Buyer is a minor or provides VICITRA with inaccurate information (article 3.1);

d. If the Buyer is a legal entity, in the event of bankruptcy or judicial restructuring.

In the case provided for above, the Buyer will not be able to claim any reimbursement from VICITRA for the part of the order not yet executed and may (if applicable);

e. Case of force majeure (article 9);

f. Violation by a Buyer of VICITRA's intellectual property rights (article 14).

Article 12: Cancellation policy.

  1. If a Buyer has registered for training or teaching provided live by VICITRA and cannot participate, he or she automatically has access to the replay but the missed session will be taken into account (he or she will not be entitled to a live replacement session).
  2. As an exception to what is provided for in the previous point, online courses (coherence program) are offered live only without the possibility of replay. There are 14 weekly courses which can be accessed by logging into your personal space on the VICITRA Website and on condition of having previously registered in the Cohérence program. Registrants must read the online course schedules and ensure that they are able to participate before registering for the Cohérence program. In the event of a missed session, the Buyer will not be entitled to a replacement session.
  3. For events organized in person VICITRA works with a deposit system. If a person cannot participate in an in-person event for which he or she is registered, he or she will not be eligible for a replacement event or reimbursement of the deposit paid to VICITRA for the booked event.

Article 13: Execution by third parties

1. The Buyer acknowledges that VICITRA has the right to involve third parties in the context of the execution of the Services offered on its Site (stakeholders, collaborators, guests).

2. All clauses concerning the exclusion or restriction of liability of VICITRA and the exemption of VICITRA for claims of third parties are stipulated for the need of the persons, both in the service of VICITRA and of third parties, for whom VICITRA may be liable by their actions or their shortcomings.

Article 14: Intellectual Property

1. The Buyer expressly acknowledges and undertakes to respect all intellectual property rights which concern the content to which he or she will have access during his or her visit to the Site and/or as part of his or her order for a Service, in particular those which arise from the provisions relating to copyright and related rights of the Belgian economic law code (Title 5 of Book X) of VICITRA and/or Marc BEUVAIN or third parties who have granted them a license.

By content : VICITRA refers in particular (non-exclusive list): to live videos/recordings, to replays and/or pre-recorded content regardless of the medium, to additional content such as books, manuals or translations provided by VICITRA on digital media or physical to Users who are linked to its Services as well as any other information or documents provided by VICITRA to the Buyer via their User Account on the Site and/or via the VICITRA discussion group which would benefit from protection according to the law.

The Buyer expressly acknowledges and undertakes to respect the rights attached to the registered trademarks or trade names or company names operated by VICITRA and/or by Marc BEUVAIN as part of the services offered by VICITRA.
2. Unless prior written authorization from VICITRA and/or Marc Beuvain providing for a written, specific and prior exemption, the Buyer acknowledges that he or she can only use said content (described in the previous paragraph) only within the framework of its use personal, excluding any commercial exploitation and in accordance with the specific conditions of the Service ordered.
3. The Buyer acknowledges that his access and use of the content within the framework of an order never entails any transfer of the intellectual property rights of VICITRA and/or Marc BEUVAIN or of third parties having granted them a license/assignment from his view.
4. The Buyer who has violated one of the intellectual property rights or has infringed a brand, of VICITRA or used its commercial name without its authorization will be immediately indebted to VICITRA and/or to Marc Beuvain or the third parties who have granted them a license (depending on the case) of a lump sum of 2,500 euros per offense and per day or the offense continues without formal notice or prior warning. This is without prejudice to any possible additional damages which could be claimed by VICITRA and/or from Marc Beuvain or third parties who have granted them a license for all direct and indirect damages suffered in connection with the violation(s) observed and which would exceed this amount.

Article 15: Protection of personal data.

1. VICITRA processes the personal data of Buyers in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of this data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter the general data protection regulation or “GDPR”) as well as the law of July 31, 2018 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and its Privacy & Cookies Policy available via the link:https://vicitra.us/politique-de-confidentialite-2/

2. For information purposes and in accordance with VICITRA's privacy and cookies policy, in the context of orders placed on the Site, personal data are processed by VICITRA in order to enable it to meet its contractual or pre-contractual obligations. towards the Buyer and in order to meet its legal obligations (in particular in matters of accounting or taxation). If the Buyer does not object, his email address may be used by VICITRA to send him emails regarding similar Services. (The Buyer is informed of this possibility and of the ability to object to it on the order page and then via an unsubscribe link in each email).

3. For information purposes and in accordance with VICITRA's privacy and cookies policy, the personal data of Buyers are not kept for longer than the period necessary to allow VICITRA to execute its contractual or pre-contractual and legal obligations arising from of the order or to defend its interests in the event of litigation. The email address of a Buyer who does not object to receiving emails from VICITRA for similar services may be kept by VICITRA for a longer period but which does not exceed 10 years after the date of the order.

4. For information purposes and in accordance with VICITRA's privacy and cookies policy, Buyers' personal data are not transferred to third parties except to the extent that this is necessary to enable VICITRA to perform its contractual obligations. and legal and are stored securely. The list of subcontractors and technical and organizational measures taken by VICITRA are available on request.

5. To exercise their rights, Buyers can contact VICITRA by sending an email to the following address: privacy@vicitra.yoga This is without prejudice to Buyers who are not satisfied with VICITRA's response to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority: contact@apd-gba.be

Article 16: Complaints, applicable law, interpretation and competent jurisdictions

1. If a Buyer wishes to file a complaint regarding the Services, he or she may contact VICITRA by sending an email to the address contact@vicitra.yoga or he describes the Services concerned, his requests and identifies himself. VICITRA undertakes to process the complaint within one month of receipt of the complaint. (Obligation of means) Except in cases of possible application of the right of withdrawal or the legal guarantee, any request for complaint must be submitted within 8 calendar days following the observation of the facts which give rise to the complaint, otherwise the request is considered by VICITRA to be time-barred.

2. Belgian law is exclusively applicable to the interpretation and application of these general conditions of sale of VICITRA, to the exclusion of any other legislation.

3. In the event of difficulty in interpretation, the French language version of these general conditions of sale takes precedence over any other version in another language.

4. In the event of disagreement, the parties will always first try to find an amicable solution. All disputes relating to or arising herefrom are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Belgian courts and tribunals of the judicial district of Brussels.

5. (Attention: Applicable only to consumers) In the context of extrajudicial dispute resolution, the Consumer Mediation Service set up by the Federal Government is competent to receive any request for extrajudicial resolution of consumer disputes. This service will process the request itself or transfer it to the qualified entity. You can contact the Consumer Mediation Service via the following link: http://www.mediationconsommateur.be//fr  

In the event of a cross-border dispute (Only for Consumers), the Buyer can contact the “Online Dispute Resolution” Site of the European Union via the link: https://ec.europa.eu/odr

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Eric Laudière

Éric Laudière is a practitioner and trainer in the field of psychogenealogy and family constellations.

A former student of Alexandro Jodorowsky, his journey is punctuated by a tireless quest for knowledge and a deep desire to explore the subtle dimensions of healing.

With training in physiotherapy, he trained in psychogenealogy under the tutelage of Alexandro Jodorowsky in the 1990s. 

He enriched his work on family constellations with a bodily and energetic approach thanks to his work with several healers in Asia and South America.

He practices psychogenealogy and systemic constellations in the south of France. For many years, he has explored different types of constellations through his courses and workshops, creating new forms such as constellations in the dark or even multi-constellations. 

 Éric Laudière represents a pioneer in this field. It offers a unique reading of the family constellation and psychogenealogy.

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Julia Tourneur

Julia was introduced to Yoga during her training as a psychomotor therapist. From the first sessions, she feels the profound benefits of this practice. Since a weekly session in a group class, yoga has gradually become a part of her life.

In 2014, his teacher suggested that he guide sessions and then follow teaching training with Jean-Luc Acket for 4 years. The meeting with Marc, during the end of training exam week, was evidence of the need for her to continue studying the lessons alongside him.

In 2022 she registered for the online Autonomy program then participated in the Transmission face-to-face week, which allowed her to deepen her knowledge and feel freer in her teaching of Yoga to people of various ages and backgrounds. .

For Vicitra, Julia guides online courses.

Pascal Ananian

As a visceral and digestive surgeon, Pascal is accustomed to caring for others, but when he reached his forties, he faced his own health challenges.

Pascal experienced medical wandering for several months, until he met a physiotherapist, André Goguet, who followed the Mézières method. He made him do stretching, core training and deep breathing.

Then he discovered yoga and Vicitra Yoga therapy which are in the same line as this method. In 2-3 weeks of effort, he was able to return to work, get back to sleep and even start surfing again.

He then practiced yoga therapy as Marc suggests. He maintains his daily session to strengthen his back. These lower back pains are behind him.

For Vicitra, Pascal intervenes in the Yoga Therapy program as an expert in the management of inguinal hernia.

Geraldine Rincheval

Géraldine Rincheval discovered Yoga 16 years ago, during her first pregnancy. This decisive moment marked the beginning of a deep relationship with Yoga, a discipline that has accompanied her throughout her life. 

The practice of Yoga opened the way to a more peaceful, light, simple and harmonious life for Géraldine, even transforming her professional orientation. Driven by the conviction that Yoga is a path to holistic well-being, she chose to become a Yoga teacher. Her training led her to explore the teaching of Marc Beuvain, which she integrated both into her own practice and into her guidance.

Géraldine has broadened her field of expertise by specializing in particular in Ayruvedic massages as well as Sound Massage, using therapeutic Tibetan bowls and other vibratory instruments to promote deep relaxation of the body and mind.

Géraldine Rincheval embodies a wellness enthusiast, who shares her knowledge and experience to help others find harmony, balance and relaxation in their own lives.

For Vicitra, Géraldine offers massages in courses and retreats.

Charbel Jarjoura

Osteopath and Trainer. Charbel helps therapists make their activities profitable, financially, on the effectiveness of their treatments and on their personal development. 

He practiced and trained in different care and personal development practices. To name a few: Yoga, Stretching, Reiki, Auriculotherapy, Hygienism or Bioresonance.

Over the last 10 years, he has bought an Auriculotherapy practice, created his Health Center and opened a restaurant dedicated to health.

He organized courses and training, therapeutic fasting retreats, and was also a radio columnist for 2 years.

He shares his experiences and helps to sort out the truth from the falsehood, what works, what is profitable and what is effective for patients.

For Vicitra, Charbel acts as an expert in the Yoga Therapy program and offers solutions for managing back pain.

Philippe Pire

Philippe Pire has been a physiotherapist and osteopath based in Brussels for 38 years.

In 1985, he began his career as a physiotherapist, marking the start of a journey dedicated to physical well-being. His quest for excellence led him to train in sports physiotherapy and taping in 1987, thus strengthening his expertise in the management of injuries linked to physical activity. In 1995, Philippe took a significant step in his career by becoming an osteopath and in 2005, he integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine into his arsenal of knowledge and skills.

His determination to relieve pain and restore mobility was the driving force behind his career. Over the years, he has acquired invaluable expertise in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.

As lead consultant of the Yoga Therapy program at Vicitra, he has contributed significantly to the integration of holistic methods into physical rehabilitation. His commitment to promoting the overall well-being of his patients is evident in his willingness to explore new avenues to help them achieve optimal health.

Sabine Hérondelle

After a diploma in History and the Art Market, and nearly 15 years as a sales manager in the tertiary sector, Sabine completed a CAP in cooking and worked in several restaurants, including 1 Michelin star.

The pleasure of improvising, of meeting various audiences, of working for artists, Yoga and Tai Chi teachers, in different geographical locations, for projects and specific requests, gave her the desire to become a “nomadic” cook. ".

She then works alone, an intuitive cuisine which leads her to specialize in vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, raw creations… She attaches great importance to the aesthetics of her preparations and the energy information they contain. This led him to practice reiki and open up the possibilities of food, thinking about it in its entirety.

For Vicitra, Sabine is involved in almost all of the internships and training courses.

André Goguet

André, a Mezierist physiotherapist, has long had a spiritual quest to enlighten his path.

Convinced that postural alignment and muscular balance are essential to physical and mental health, he explores dance, qigong and yoga.

His meeting with Marc was revealing: he discovered that the union of breathing and movement in consciousness opened infinite horizons, allowing him to “dance in yoga” with his breath.

This practice strengthens one's daily state of being, cultivating centering, serenity and bodily freedom, thus leading to a true freedom of being.

Guided by the desire to share, André happily leads group classes at his home in Vendée and actively intervenes as an expert in the Yoga Therapy program.

Valérie Perrève

Valérie encountered yoga in 2007 and without her teachers clearly suggesting it, she was immediately sensitive to the practice of breathing and in particular Ujjuyi. Also, when she discovered the teachings of Marc Beuvain in 2015, she was deeply touched by his pedagogy and his approach. She was thus able to clearly understand that breathing was a key to the practice.

She trained with Marc in yoga therapy and teaching pedagogy. She followed the study of the Yoga Sutra-s and the Yoganjalisaram,.
Being also a masseuse and concerned about health through a lifestyle promoting detox on all levels (living food, fasting, massage, silent walks in nature), she feels sensitive to all the dimensions of Yoga.
Very close to nature (hiking, walking in the mountains), she continues to put the tools of Yoga into practice every day and continues her quest towards greater freedom and a return to oneself through, in particular, the teachings of Vicitra .

For Vicitra, Valérie offers online Yoga classes. 

Thierry Chappé

I am a father of two little girls. I am 47 years old living in Brussels and working in the digital field.

Initially practicing martial arts, I discovered yoga during a vacation in Bali in 2010.

Fascinated by the Ashtanga of Pattabhi Jois for its demanding physical side and its discipline, I deepened my knowledge through various courses, workshops and books. This practice has become my passion.

In 2017, during an internship, I met Marc, whose transmission and depth of knowledge transformed me.

Guided by Vicitra, I developed a deep understanding of yoga and was inspired to teach this discipline.

For me, teaching is a source of pleasure and personal development.

My favorite quote is from Georges Sand: “The mind seeks and it is the heart that finds.”

For Vicitra, Thierry teaches online Yoga classes. 

Julie Leclercq

A pharmacist by training, Julie is interested in health and well-being in general.

5 years ago she discovered yoga, which she immediately liked and followed training with Marc Beuvain to deepen her knowledge.

Vicitra's teaching brings him a lot in terms of personal development and the return to the essence of yoga.

For Vicitra, Julie monitors the participants' practices during the immersion courses.

Valérie Felix

A former high-level athlete, Valérie encountered yoga in 1999 when she was looking for a physical activity devoid of competition and judgment while being passionate about subjects around personal development.

Her first Yoga sessions awakened in her a much broader dimension of human potential, from psychology to spirituality and possible transformations through presence and anchoring.

Passionate and diligent, she trained in teaching Yoga from 2002 to 2006 and from 2004, in addition to her freelance professional activity, she taught Yoga 2 classes per week. In 2008, she met Marc during an internship and was deeply touched by his reading and his approach to the different tools of yoga, whether in the presentation of the posture or the references to yogic texts, integrating current events. A second seed of consciousness is then laid. It was in 2020, following confinements and studio closures, that she reconnected with Marc's teachings, thanks to her remote transmission. She then decided to train with Marc by participating in the "Yoga therapy", "creativity and educational independence" training and to follow very regularly all the conferences and studies that he offers online including those of the Yoga Sutra-s or even the Yoganjalisaram.

Julie Millet

Julie has always been interested in health. She obtained a doctorate in Biology in 2011 and was interested in various human pathologies such as Tuberculosis and Malaria.

After 10 years of experience in the field of Research, she understands the importance of holistic and personalized health. In 2015, she dedicated herself, with Marc Beuvain, to the opening of the first Vicitra center in Guadeloupe. She manages it and offers several Yoga classes and workshops. She was then strongly touched by the impact and enthusiasm generated by the lessons taught at Vicitra.

His desire to make these teachings, this method and this holistic approach to health accessible to as many people as possible led him to devote himself fully, between September 2018 and September 2021, to the development of the Vicitra centers in Brussels and Guadeloupe. Since then, Julie has been the co-manager of Vicitra.

Geraldine Rincheval

Géraldine discovered yoga 16 years ago when she was pregnant with her first daughter. This encounter with yoga helped her experience a natural, easy and wonderful birth as she wanted.

Since that moment, Yoga has always continued to accompany her and has never really left her. Beyond well-being, the practice of Yoga was a real support for him in facing the difficulties of life and in overcoming the stress and fatigue of hard but very interesting work in the hotel and catering industry during almost 20 years. 

It was through Yoga that Géraldine began to enjoy a more peaceful, lighter, simpler and more harmonious life, even changing her professional direction to become a Yoga teacher. Her training led her to discover the teaching of Marc Beuvain, which she has, over time, made her own.

Yoga being part of Ayurveda, Indian medicine, she was also interested in other Ayurvedic practices, in particular massages.

For Vicitra, Géraldine offers online Yoga classes.

Frédérique Bengeloun

Frédérique has always been interested in health, wellness and natural therapies.
After a doctorate in pharmacy, Frédérique worked for several years in research on tropical pathologies, in health anthropology and then in psychiatric settings where she set up therapeutic alliance workshops.
She was lucky during these years to meet beautiful people who made her journey internally towards a gradual return to her true nature, a return which still continues today at every moment. Marc Beuvain is one of these people, who he met in 2005 in Marseille, sowed a seed in his conscience. In 2019, after more than 15 years working in the health system, Frédérique decided to leave the health system to devote herself full time to holistic health. She then trained in aromatherapy and naturopathy and found Marc and his teachings which had not left her mind since 2005.
She now supports Women and Mothers on this path to holistic health around well-being and a return to oneself. It is this awakening and this awareness that Frédérique now wishes to transmit to each Being, combining her knowledge, skills and experiences.
For Vicitra, Frédérique offers online Yoga classes.

Celine Brisard

Céline has been practicing yoga since 2008. She underwent initial teaching training between 2015 and 2019, began teaching and, at the same time, crossed paths with Marc Beuvain during a conference in Paris. Marc's vision of yoga challenges her, provokes her and touches her deeply. The first seeds are sown…

Marc's vision of yoga challenges her, provokes her and touches her deeply. The first seeds are sown…

From 2020, thanks to the pandemic, she can finally taste the practices guided by the Vicitra team. She is also fully committed to online teaching (Yoga Sutra, Yoganjalisaram, Autonomy, etc.) and face-to-face (Creativity and educational independence, Transmission, etc.).

She now guides sessions in the South-West of France and behind the screen of Vicitra's Cohérence program.

Marc Beuvain

Marc Beuvain has been teaching Yoga for 26 years in France, but also in London, Milan, and Brussels in particular.

At 17, he discovered yoga and went to train in Chennai, India. For more than a year, he will benefit from one of the richest educational contents available from TKV Desikachar, son of Sri T. Krishnamacharya, considered the father of modern Yoga. Having become a teacher, he participated in three world tours alongside the biggest names in Yoga. In 2007, however, he chose to become independent and express his own vision of yoga in the West.

Marc's quest is then to transmit to as many people as possible – Marc teaches in centers for the mentally handicapped, retirement homes, schools, hospitals, orphanages, businesses, etc. – the tools that make one independent with physical health. and mental. His know-how and the resulting awareness allow him to develop an approach that is both anchored in an intimate understanding of Indian tradition and imbued with very current personal experience.

He thus develops a Yoga that lives up to its purpose: to promote freedom of conscience and the profound individual and collective transformations that result from it. In 2015, he co-created his first center in Guadeloupe, called Vicitra (“Precious”, in Sanskrit). In 2018, the Vicitra Brussels center was created and in March 2020, during the first confinement linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, Vicitra online is launched.

THE Yoga Sutra - Chapter 1 - Session 1

THE Yoga Sutra - Chapter 1 - Session 1

SESSION 1 | Defining Yoga in its essence
Session devoted to aphorisms 1 to 6 of the 1st chapter.

The great particularity of the first 4 sutras is to define Yoga in its essence.

The study and understanding of these 4 sutras have always been seen as an essential step in the integration of the work as a whole.

You will discover:

  • The historical context of the origin of Yoga
  • The prerequisites for experiencing personal transformation through Yoga
  • The main reason for yoga
  • The profound and irreversible consequences of Yoga on human beings
  • The consequences of a lack of mental control
  • The different modes of functioning of the mind
  • The great paradox of the mind in humans
Diapositive précédente
Diapositive suivante
SESSION 1 | 3 steps to get out of emotional conflicts
Session devoted to aphorisms 1 to 3 of the 2nd chapter. .

These first 3 aphorisms highlight:

  • The yoga of action
  • The prerequisites for experiencing personal transformation through Yoga
  • Its consequences on the mental level
  • The main causes of our identity and emotional conflicts
Diapositive précédente
Diapositive suivante

Gift Bonuses

Catalog of 46 postures traditional

This book allows you to access the age-old reference in the field of posture and to know the starting point from which it will be possible to intensify or simplify on the physical, respiratory and mental levels.
This book offers real autonomy to practitioners.
This avoids getting lost in the ambient confusion specific to Western Yoga through invented or transformed postures.

THE Themes Of Course Online


Learning the subtleties of the practice of Yoga on a physical, respiratory and mental level in order to benefit from a real Yogic experience during online classes

Yoga Back

Designed for fragile backs, the sequences promote a state of centering while ensuring flexibility and realignment of the spine.

Yoga Serenity

Relaxing postures and gentle stretching through which progressive control of the breath gives access to letting go and returning to oneself.

Integral Yoga

Flexibility and muscular tone while developing the state of centering.


Extensive breathing efforts to strengthen mental presence and soothe emotions.

Reading list

3 Vidéos

Reading list

3 Vidéos